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Husky Articles

Can Huskies Chew Bones? Safe and Unsafe Bones 

While Huskies love to chew and eat bones, there are some important details you need to know before you start giving your Husky bones. In this short guide, let’s look at what types of bones are safe to give to Huskies and what types aren’t...
Husky Articles

Do Huskies Bark? Find Out Why Huskies Are Different 

If you’re thinking of getting a husky, you’re probably wondering if it’s the type of dog that will constantly bark, day and night. There’s nothing worse than a dog that barks for no clear reason throughout the night. Let’s look at how huskies are different...
Hi, I’m Aaron and this is Sasha. I’ve been lucky enough to grow up and live with huskies most of my life. This website is my way of sharing what I have learned over the years with other husky owners and people thinking of getting a husky.